in danger造句

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in danger造句

2023-06-01 08:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、You will be in danger if you walk on a railway line.如果你在铁轨上行走,那是很危险的。

2、He is in danger of losing his job if he goes on like this他再这样下去会丢掉工作的

3、If he continues to buy unuseful things, he is in danger to spend all his money.假如他继续买些无用的东西,就会把钱全部花掉。

4、And one in every five homes would be in danger of being foreclosed upon.而每五座房子中有一座可能被取消抵押赎回权。

5、This animal is in danger of extinction.这种动物濒临灭绝。

6、The plant is now in danger of extinction.这种植物现在有绝种的危险。

7、When asked if the Earth is in danger of being hit by a meteor in 2012?当问到地球在2012年是否有被流星击中的危险?

8、Unfortunately, it is now in danger of being washed away by a torrent of money.由此,基础设施建设的明智方法逐渐成型。不幸的是,它正处在被资金洪流冲散的险境之中。

9、But is the kingdom really in danger of being swamped?但是,王国真的有深陷泥潭的危险吗?

10、The patient is in danger of death.那个病人有死亡的危险。

11、He was in danger of losing his life.他有失去生命的危险。

12、We are in danger of getting into an inflationary spiral.我们正陷于螺旋式通胀的危险之中。

13、He is in danger of losing his job.他有失业的危险。

14、The lone sheep is in danger of the Wolf!孤独的羊难免遭狼的危险!

15、Is Mozilla in danger of losing their biggest financial backer?Mozilla是否处于失去最大的财力支持者的危险之中?

16、Parts of the country are in danger of sealing themselves off.这个国家的部分地区有自我封闭的危险。

17、The sick man is in danger of death.这位病人有死亡的危险。

18、The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf.独羊易招狼。

19、The idea of Toni being in danger distresses him enormously.想到托尼仍处在危险当中就使他忧心忡忡。

20、As is known to all, the panda is in danger of becoming extinct.众所周知,熊猫濒临灭绝。

21、Without many noticing it, though, he is in danger of being usurped by his younger brother.尽管大卫很低调,但他还是处于会被他弟弟取代的危机之中。

22、It could also get people out of cities in danger of being bombed.它也可以将人们从有被轰炸危险的城市中救出来。

23、The Eucharist given to a dying person or one in danger of death.临终圣餐给临终或面临死亡危险的人的圣餐

24、Indeed, some observers fear that the anti-science epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless.确实,一些观察者担心反科学这个词正处于消失的边际。

25、The lone ITep is in danger of the wolf.孤独的羊难免遭狼的危险。

26、By the first century BC, Buddhism was in danger of fragmenting into small sects.到公元前1世纪时,佛教面临着被分化成一些小派别的危险。

27、Once being in danger of life, he would hit on the way to escape.一旦到了有生命危险的关键时刻,他总能灵机一动想出逃脱的方法。

28、Are you in danger of losing your job in the present financial crisis?在眼下的金融危机中你面临失业的危险吗?

29、The school's liberal, individualistic traditions were in danger of slipping into anarchy.这所学校的自由主义和个人主义的传统有滑入无政府状态的危险。

30、Their affection is their strength in danger and their comforter in sorrow.他们之间的爱在危险时是力量,在忧伤时是安慰。

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